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Connection Between your Hips and your Emotions!


Updated: Jul 17, 2024

There is a powerful connection between your hips and your emotions.

Have you ever gone to a Yoga class and realizing that your hips are really tight.

Yoga teachers refer the hips as the emotional junk drawer.

Your body has chakras located down the middle of your body.

The Heart Chakra is right in the middle of your chest and sometimes

the emotions, anxiety and stress are so overbearing that the emotions can affect your breath but also spill over into the hips. The hips serve as a storage facility for emotional tension, stress, and trauma. Due to our sedentary lifestyles, poor posture, and emotional suppression, many individuals accumulate tension in the hip region. In turn creating pain and tension!

Also prolonged sitting can contribute to poor posture and create issues linked to depression, fatigue, stress and headaches.

The hip region is associated with the Sacral Chakra,

Where our creativity, sexuality and how we relate to our emotions - trusting ourselves and others , and a lot of unconscious tension, old emotions and deep vulnerabilities can be stored in the hip area.

In 1985, neuroscientist Candace Pert foundTrusted Source that small proteins known as neuropeptides activate the circuits linked to emotions.

She famously stated that “your body is your subconscious mind,” and that the physical body can change depending on what we’re feeling.

Pert’s research suggests that emotions are electrochemical signals that carry emotional messages throughout the body. They are then expressed, experienced, and stored within the body and mind.

This can influence activity in the brain and change the cell to either have a positive or negative effect on the body.

Pert’s work proposes that each cell carries a kind of consciousness that stores memories and emotional states. Current research supports this as well.

One point I do share with many clients emotional issues become part of the body tissue.

First step is awareness and paying attention to our body. Recognizing where we are at and exploring what we might need to alleviate and help cope with the pain and discomfort.

Yoga stretching, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, neuro-structural Chiropractic, Massage and Ostio are all great ways to releasing the stress.

As Martha Eddy, states with Reflexology, massaging the arch of the foot as well as the meridians of the foot can release some tension in the hip and pelvis area.

Creating relief and an opportunity to heal the area.

I have worked with many clients and the beauty of Reflexology can provide a gentle way of resetting the body as a whole not just the hips.

Listening to your body with a mind-body connection you can learn and notice to make peace with bodily sensations .

The hips are indeed an important storage vessel that should not be ignored!

(article modified from Julianne Ishier)

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